Alinghi Red Bull Racing withdraws from the Louis Vuitton Cup

by America’s Cup media 19 Sep 03:47 PDT
18 September 2024

Alinghi Red Bull Racing © Ian Roman / America’s Cup

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The team that illuminated Barcelona in various ways and presented an ambitious, forward-thinking challenge for the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup has exited the semi-finals of the Louis Vuitton Cup, gaining valuable insights and maintaining a sharp focus on continuity.

Cup enthusiasts around the globe took pleasure in witnessing this emerging Swiss team evolve into a formidable presence in the premier sailing arena, and with a record of success, they depart the competition with the sentiment that their journey is far from over and that much work remains to be done in the America’s Cup.

From the outset, their challenge for the oldest trophy in international sports was marked by a commitment to forge their own path and enjoy the ride. Launching their challenge for the Société Nautique de Genève—the first European winner of the America’s Cup, which held the trophy from 2003 to 2010—they declared a thorough partnership with Red Bull.

Team Principal and founder of the renowned ‘Alinghi’ sailing squad, Ernesto Bertarelli articulated a clear vision, noting at the launch: “Holding onto the competitive spirit that has always motivated Alinghi, we aim to approach this challenge in a completely distinct, novel, and refreshing manner. When we envisioned the involvement of Red Bull in the America’s Cup alongside (the late) Dietrich Mateschitz, he said: ‘Our method is not to enter the sport solely as sponsors but to integrate into the team, establishing a genuine partnership to cultivate young talent and elevate them to the pinnacle of their field.’ He also suggested we contribute to providing a new dimension to the America’s Cup. With Red Bull, we are equal partners in this initiative. Red Bull will offer their expertise, energy, and capability in team performance creation, and we will contribute our sailing experience and history of winning the America’s Cup. Alinghi Red Bull Racing will bring a new perspective to the event.”

And indeed, they shone a spotlight. The team promptly acquired the first-generation Emirates Team New Zealand AC75 ‘Te Aihe’ and established a temporary base at Port Vell in Barcelona, being the first team to land in the host city. Their impact was immediate, serving as an excellent advertisement for both the team and the ‘family’ aspect of the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup.

They illuminated the W-Hotel in red each evening before sailing the following day and integrated seamlessly with Barcelona’s vibrant life while actively documenting their steep learning journey in the AC75 monohull foiler that they commissioned in August 2022 and first tested in September 2022.

Navigating through their debut winter proved challenging not just for the sailors but for the shore and technical teams as well, adapting to new processes and protocols. Despite this, progress was swift, combining a youthful and talented Swiss sailing squad with seasoned members of Cup-winning teams to achieve an ideal blend of youth and experience.

Arnaud Psarofaghis quickly became the leading figure of the project, while teammates like Maxime Bachelin, Bryan Mettraux, Nicolas Rolaz, Nico Charbonnier, and Yves Detrey emerged as his trusted crew and on-water training partners.

The arrival of the team’s first AC40 in January 2023 marked a significant shift in preparations, providing an additional learning platform for the sailors. The second AC40’s arrival in May 2023 led to the initiation of foiling match racing, with a major emphasis on pre-start tactics.

On the shore side, significant developments were underway, as the team secured a prime location in Port Vell, positioned between the Mare Magnum Shopping Centre and the downtown Aquarium. The impressive new Alinghi Red Bull Racing base was constructed, featuring a vast boating and advanced training facility along with spectacular hospitality areas, becoming operational for the team by late July 2023, ahead of its full inauguration in September 2023, and serving as the central hub as they prepared for the imminent Preliminary Regattas in Vilanova i La Geltrú, Spain, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The training months leading up to the Preliminary Regattas yielded results, with Alinghi Red Bull Racing consistently vying for podium finishes while demonstrating strong performance in fleet races through excellent starts and good speed.

However, final execution required more refinement. Following the second Preliminary Regatta in Jeddah, the team chose to maintain a winter training base at Obhur Creek, where they kept their two AC40s and enlisted the expertise of Dean Barker alongside the competitive spirit of Phil Robertson as coaches to enhance tactics.

As the sailors geared up for action, back at the Decision SA build facility in Ecublens near Lausanne, the new Alinghi Red Bull Racing AC75 was taking shape. By the end of February 2024, the boat was loaded onto a truck for transportation to Barcelona, where the final fitting occurred, leading to an awe-inspiring reveal at the beginning of April.

Once again, it was a first for the team, as the latest-generation AC75 was unveiled under the cloak of darkness and cutting-edge lighting, eliciting gasps with its radical design. Dubbed ‘BoatOne’, it captivated with a cut-away stern, Venturi-style bumps on the bow, an elegant deck, and an aggressive hull shape from bow to stern. Anticipation surged, not only within the squad but across the globe, bolstered by superb marketing efforts featuring a host of Red Bull and Tudor athletes, building excitement to a peak.

By mid-April, ‘BoatOne’ was sailing, showcasing remarkable agility and speed—both in linear movement and take-off—which had never been exhibited before in the AC75 class. The sailors progressed impressively through the commissioning phase and kept pushing the boat towards race speed, even bringing in their AC40 with Barker and Robertson aboard for pre-start practice before facing a dismasting on June 13, 2024—the first ever seen in the AC75 class. The exact cause remains confidential within the team; however, just four days later, Alinghi Red Bull Racing was back on the water, sailing and training once more, underscoring the extraordinary shore team assembled by the syndicate—some of the best in the America’s Cup.

However, fortune did not favor Alinghi Red Bull Racing. Just two days before the commencement of the Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta at the end of August 2024, a newly commissioned mast collapsed, placing the team at a disadvantage. Once again, the shore team acted quickly to prepare the boat for the regatta; yet, securing only one win out of five races fell short of the team’s aspirations.

As the Louis Vuitton Cup began, the performance gap for Alinghi Red Bull Racing became starkly evident as all the Challenger teams elevated their game. It was immediately clear, almost from the start, that the Swiss were in a battle for survival to progress to the semi-finals—especially following an opening loss to Orient Express Racing. By the first Round Robin’s conclusion, the team was scoreless and at the bottom of the table, eyes set on their next match against the French in the second Round Robin.

A well-executed victory in that race—following a mishap that caused the French to lose their foils—brought the Swiss to level points, and then a default victory against NYYC American Magic—due to an American breakdown in the pre-start—put the team in a favorable position for semi-final placement, although a final day cliffhanger occurred with several potential scenarios, none of which materialized. Alinghi Red Bull Racing secured a spot in the Louis Vuitton Cup semi-finals, where Sir Ben Ainslie chose to match INEOS Britannia—the Challenger of Record and leading team post-Round Robins—against the Swiss.

An immediate streak of four consecutive losses against the British, including some significant gaps, illustrated the level of performance demanded as the competition advanced. A comeback victory in race five, with ‘BoatOne’ slipping past a stationary Britannia that lost its foils, offered hope for a turnaround. They maintained remarkable composure amid challenging conditions to clinch another race win on what turned out to be their concluding day in the tournament.

The nature of their exit reflected the grit, resolve, and unwavering spirit cultivated within the Swiss group, and the dignified congratulations extended by skipper Arnaud Psarofaghis to Sir Ben Ainslie and the INEOS Britannia team right after their departure was a testament to the entire program.

The final score of 5-2 did not truly indicate how fiercely they challenged the Challenger of Record, and Sir Ben Ainslie responded to the goodwill: “They’re a fantastic organization and clearly boast an exceptional history in the America’s Cup with Ernesto Bertarelli and the team. Now, a youthful generation led by Arnaud is an exciting sight, striving to match past achievements. I believe they possess an exciting future in the America’s Cup.”

Dockside afterward, Pietro Sibello, one of the on-water coaches for Alinghi Red Bull Racing, expressed graciousness in defeat as they concluded their run in the Louis Vuitton Cup semi-finals, remarking: “I feel happy about the excellent job we accomplished. We are a newly formed team and, looking back at the last two and a half years, we have made immense strides. Competing so closely with a team like INEOS Britannia—who will undoubtedly be stronger in the upcoming rounds of the Cup—should make us feel proud and fulfilled, especially since we fought until the end.”

Alinghi Red Bull Racing will be greatly missed in the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup. They infused enjoyment, glamour, and sportsmanship while drawing a legion of new, engaged, youthful supporters through their impressive partnership with the Red Bull brand.

They will undoubtedly return for the 38th America’s Cup—Silvio Arrivabene confirmed this across several interviews—and with the strong support and backing of Ernesto Bertarelli, the Swiss will continue to be a formidable force at the pinnacle of international sailing.

Tom Slingsby, the helmsman for the NYYC American Magic team and one of the world’s elite sailors, lauded Alinghi Red Bull Racing as they exited the competition, stating: “For me, it’s been fantastic to watch Alinghi re-enter the competition. Their historical achievement of winning the America’s Cup on their first attempt is likely unprecedented. Ernesto Bertarelli is a significant advocate of sailing, and they have conducted an amazing campaign here. I recognize the hard work exhibited by everyone in the Swiss team. They have committed extensive effort and long hours here in Barcelona. Hats off to the entire team for an incredible campaign—I look forward to seeing them return next time.”

Iain Murray, the Race Director, also honored the Swiss team, noting: “Clearly, they are a highly skilled America’s Cup team with a rich history and depth. Competing here in a completely different vessel from where they last left off—despite extensive campaigning in smaller foiling boats—has made the restart of the America’s Cup challenge process genuinely impressive. For them to take the first-generation New Zealand boat (Te Aihe), build a team, create a base, and achieve this level of performance is highly commendable. They have established a solid foundation for the future, and it will be exciting to see them return even stronger.”

Thank you, Alinghi Red Bull Racing; observing your growth over the past two and a half years has been a pleasure. This conclusion marks the beginning of a very bright future.

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