Saint Laurent’s creative director Anthony Vaccarello has launched a mesmerizing series of short films inspired by French author Marcel Proust’s timeless work, In Search of Lost Time. This series, titled As Time Goes By, explores the complex themes of love, time, desire, togetherness, dreaming, and memory central to Proust’s esteemed novel. It was a work that Monsieur Saint Laurent deeply admired, illustrating the brand’s profound connections to artistic and literary traditions.
Directed by Nadia Lee Cohen, this collection of shorts boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Charlotte Gainsbourg, John Waters, Chloë Sevigny, Addison Rae, Joey King, Travis Bennett, Cooper Koch, and others.
The season’s evocative essence is beautifully captured in Cohen’s close-up cinematography, providing a sensory experience that connects past and present while inviting viewers to contemplate universal themes from a novel perspective.
What distinguishes As Time Goes By is its auteur-driven style, blending nostalgia and irony to reinterpret Proust’s insights in a modern light. Originally released in seven volumes, Proust’s work examines how our identities are influenced by the past—a significant theme that resonates throughout the films. This collection not only brings these concepts to life but also encourages audiences to explore the lasting significance of Proust’s ideas in today’s fast-paced society.
By merging iconic personalities, high fashion, and impactful storytelling, As Time Goes By highlights Saint Laurent’s ongoing significance in the intersection of art, literature, and fashion. It transcends conventional boundaries, honoring literature while simultaneously redefining modern storytelling. This innovative series showcases the brand’s commitment to innovating creative limits—a landmark in the continuously evolving space where fashion meets film.
As Time Goes By is currently available for viewing.
This article was originally published in Esquire Singapore.
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