Excitement and Emotion on an Exciting Day in the Louis Vuitton Cup Semi-Finals

by 37th America’s Cup media 18 Sep 13:43 PDT
18 September 2024

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A day marked by unpredictability on a challenging Barcelona racetrack saw the Challenger of Record, INEOS Britannia, clinch their spot in the Louis Vuitton Cup Final with a victory over Alinghi Red Bull Racing in their second race of the day.

On the other side of the bracket, NYYC American Magic kept the American hopes alive by winning two crucial races against Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, bringing their semi-final series to another day with the score now standing at 4-3 in this best-of-five series.

For the British team, this marks their second consecutive trip to the Challenger Selection Series Final, their first ‘Louis Vuitton’ Cup Final since 1983. It was a hard-fought victory on a choppy sea in marginal wind conditions that made handling the boat and executing maneuvers particularly challenging. After losing the first race against Alinghi Red Bull Racing with a smaller mainsail, ‘Britannia’ struggled as the wind fell below 5 knots, allowing the Swiss team to keep the semi-final alive and narrow the series score to 4-2.

However, an outstanding performance in the day’s second race allowed Sir Ben Ainslie’s team to return to their earlier form, resulting in an 83-second victory, with ‘Britannia’ showing signs of her best and the team performing at a level that the young Alinghi Red Bull Racing team simply couldn’t compete with.

The Swiss exit the competition having added flair and sophistication to the event onshore, while their young sailors demonstrated impressive performances as they tackled a steep learning curve, gaining many admirers throughout their campaign.

After the races, Sir Ben Ainslie, skipper of INEOS Britannia, expressed relief at his team’s advancement, stating: “It was a tough final couple of days in the lighter conditions. Hats off to Alinghi Red Bull Racing; they really challenged us in those lighter conditions. It was a rough day today, with the wind fluctuating a lot and a challenging sea state. A tough test for all teams, but I’m thrilled for our team and proud of all the hard work that got us here.”

Offering encouragement to Alinghi Red Bull Racing, he added: “They are a fantastic organization with a rich history in the America’s Cup. Now, a new generation led by Arnaud (Psarofaghis) is emerging, aiming to uphold the legacy of the past. They have a bright future in the America’s Cup.”

Maxime Bachelin, port helm, spoke for the entire Alinghi Red Bull Racing Team, saying: “It’s mixed emotions, but we are very proud of what we’ve accomplished as a new team. While we’ve learned a lot, it’s bittersweet to see our journey here end. We secured two points in the last two days and were aiming for more, which is disappointing, but we’re also proud of the team’s overall performance.”

The day’s drama unfolded in the other semi-final between Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli and NYYC American Magic, with the Americans facing a 4-1 deficit. However, they shifted momentum with an unexpected victory in the morning’s opening race, where the wind dropped below six knots shortly after the start, leaving both boats in displacement mode.

With the score at 4-2, in the day’s second race, the Italian team was unable to withstand the excellent pre-start tactics from the Americans, particularly from their starboard helmsman Tom Slingsby, who led off the starting line.

The race was a classic, filled with lead changes, making it a wonderful showcase for both the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup and grand-prix foiling racing. Unfortunately, a dramatic gear failure on the traveler system of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli on leg four abruptly concluded their race.

There were no injuries reported, and while the Italians focused on ensuring their boat’s safety, NYYC American Magic completed the last two legs of the course to secure their second victory of the day. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli’s shore team will now work through the night to make necessary repairs to be ready for tomorrow’s races.

Jimmy Spithill, skipper of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, expressed confidence in his team’s ability to bounce back, stating: “This is high-level sport, and it’s precisely what one expects. You’re always going to face unexpected challenges, but champion teams rise to those occasions. We have such a team, a fantastic support crew, and I’m certain we will be back. I’d even wager that we’ll definitely be on the water tomorrow.”

Tom Slingsby, the experienced helmsman of NYYC American Magic, was measured in his reaction to the Italian team’s breakdown. “It’s never the desired outcome, but we were also out there giving our best—so we should not overshadow our team’s efforts. Our thoughts are with Luna Rossa; it’s unfortunate to lose a race like that, but they still hold the lead and can wrap it up tomorrow—or we could push for a victory ourselves.”

Slingsby also reflected warmly on Alinghi Red Bull Racing’s exit, saying: “Witnessing Alinghi back in the competition has been great. Their history, winning [the America’s Cup] on their first try, is outstanding. Ernesto [Bertarelli] is a great advocate for sailing, and their campaign has been remarkable. I know how hard the Swiss team has worked through long days and nights in Barcelona. Hats off to them for their impressive campaign, and I hope to see them compete again next time.”

With the score at 4-3 and the winds favoring NYYC American Magic, they will look to capitalize on their momentum and secure a victory in tomorrow’s opening race at 14:00 CET to take the Louis Vuitton Cup semi-final to a deciding showdown. All attention will be on the forecast with lighter winds predicted.

Expect the unexpected in the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup—today was a testament to that.

Before the United States faces Italy tomorrow afternoon, the UniCredit Youth America’s Cup Group B Invited Team will commence their eight-race qualification series, with four races scheduled to kick off at 10:30 CET.

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