On Thursday, September 29, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the 26th edition of the Captains’ Forum, reserved for superyacht skippers, will take place at the Yacht Club de Monaco. The event is being organized by the Captains’ Club, which gathers 150 professionals holding a Master 500 GT license.

Man vs Machine: Captains’ Forum Themes

The focus of the Captain’s Forum 2022 is the relationship between man and machine, viewed from a unique perspective: it starts in space and comes down to the sea. The man-machine relationship is a timeless subject, a constantly evolving conflict that is reinterpreted on this occasion as a chance to build and develop the yacht of the future.

The theme for the 26th edition has been developed in collaboration with insurance advisor Jutheau Husson, Dutch superyacht builder Oceanco, and Spanish boat refit specialist Gruppo MB92.

Kicking off the discussions is former NASA astronaut Scott E. Parazynski, a highly decorated physicist who has openly shared his extraordinary career: as a doctor, he has received numerous accolades; and as an astronaut, he participated in five Space Shuttle missions and conducted seven spacewalks.

He is also a bestselling author (The Sky Below) and a businessman: he founded Fluidity Technologies, a tech innovation company aimed at redefining movement through three-dimensional space, where he now serves as CEO. He is frequently invited to speak at events focused on innovation, risk management, mentorship, and leadership in extreme adversity. In 2009, he became the first astronaut to successfully summit Everest, the world’s highest peak.

Space and Sea in Comparison

Scott E. Parazynski will share his insights on the human aspect, drawing connections between the professions of astronaut and captain, between shuttle and yacht, and between space and sea: how do astronauts prepare, what level of commitment is necessary for their missions, and how can superyacht professionals be supported to aim high and envision an industry significantly enhanced by technology?

Joining the former astronaut for discussions at the 26th Captains’ Forum will be Captains Barry Sadler, instructor at La Belle Classe Academy; Craig Coker of M/Y Skyfall (58m); and Luca Triggiani of M/Y Roe (74m), who will share their perspectives on training and effective management and leadership strategies to improve the human approach in the industry moving forward.

The Machine: Driver for the Future

The increasing dependence of humans on machines is becoming more apparent, yet their interaction is becoming more seamless and intuitive. In this context, superyacht skippers are contributing to the design and construction of the yachts of the near future, due to their unique position to identify and articulate how technology can shape superyachts, enhancing their appeal and image.

Leading the discussions on these topics will be Armelle Roudaut-Lafon, Director of Maritime Affairs of the Principality of Monaco; Snorre Halvorsen, Senior Executive Advisor of Norwegian Hull Club Risk, Norway; Matteo Morra, Area Sales Manager of Wärtsilä, Italy; along with skippers Luca Mosca (M/Y Quantum Blue 104m) and Pierre Makdessi (M/Y Najiba 58m).

The Program of the 26th Captains’ Forum


9:30 am – 10:00 am With Your Superyacht to the Stars

How Do Astronauts Do It?

An exclusive and inspiring talk by a world-renowned innovator, investor, astronaut, and space walker.

Scott E. Parazynski, former NASA astronaut

10:00 am – 10:40 am Coaching the Stars of the Future

Leadership and Management: An Interactive Debate – How to Create People with the “Right Skills” for the Future?

Captain Barry Sadler, Maritime Training La Belle Classe Academy of the Monte Carlo Yachting Club

Captain Craig Coker, M/Y Skyfall (58m)

Captain Luca Triggiani, M/Y Roe (74m)

10:40 am – 11:00 am Coffee Break & Networking


11:00 am-12:00 pm How the Experience of Superyacht Skippers Can Help Build the Stars of the Future

An interactive debate: How can technology create superyachts that bring brilliance to the marine industry?

Armelle Roudaut-Lafon, Director of Marine Affairs, Monaco

Snorre Halvorsen, Senior Executive Advisor Norwegian Hull Club Risk, Norway

Matteo Morra, Area Sales Manager, Wärtsilä, Italy

Captain Luca Mosca, M/Y Quantum Blue (104m)

Captain Pierre Makdessi, M/Y Najiba (58m)

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