Vendée Globe Race Monday Update: Survival of the Fittest

Vendée Globe Race Monday Update: Law of the Jungle

by Vendée Globe media 9 Dec 08:53 PST
9 December 2024

Yoann Richomme on PAPREC ARKÉA – 2024 Vendée Globe © Yoann Richomme #VG2024

Henri-Lloyd 2024 Black Friday
Rooster Wetsuit Range

After the initial breakaway comes the resurgence. As often happens in the Southern Ocean, significant breakaways caused by a weather system seldom hold on the Vendée Globe, and today the dynamics have shifted somewhat in favor of those trailing behind the top two leaders, Charlie Dalin (MACIF Santé Prévoyance) and Seb Simon (Groupe Dubreuil).

While Dalin – who passed the longitude of Cape Leeuwin this afternoon – has been slowed to speeds around 12-15 knots, Yoann Richomme (PAPREC ARKÉA) and Thomas Ruyant (VULNERABLE) have emerged as the fastest in the fleet. Over the last 36 hours, they have cut their distance to Dalin by nearly 200 miles, bringing it to a more manageable 330 nautical miles this afternoon.

Leeuwin and the Lioness

The race leader crossed Cape Leeuwin’s longitude at 14:12:58 UTC, completing 29d 02h 10min 58s of racing, narrowly missing Armel Le Cléac’h’s record from 2016 of 28d 20h 12m. Named on December 7, 1801, Cape Leeuwin is the second of the race’s three major Capes, named after the Dutch ship Leeuwin (The Lioness), which sailed around Australia and rounded the Cape in March 1622.

However, there is little relief in the deep south; there are thin ridges of high pressure with lighter winds, but it appears that the low pressure systems are unyielding. “In theory, I was told there would be ridges to navigate between each depression, but they seem really short!”

“In theory, I was told there would be ridges to navigate between each depression, but they seem really short!”, jested the charming rookie Benjamin Ferré (Monnoyeur – Duo for a job) this morning during the official session, adding that it feels like the systems are playing a game of Pac-Man with him.

“We’re all in a single line and being picked off one after another,” laughed the adventurer-turned-sailor, who has altered his course northward for the last two days to avoid getting caught too quickly.

A learning journey for the young lions

“The depression we encountered south of South Africa calmed us down, those of us rookies in the Vendée Globe. We aimed for the shortest route, following the great circle, but faced 50 knots. Tanguy (Le Turquais) broke a batten, Violette (Dorange) had a close call, and I swamped the boat with a wave. Since then, we’ve all fallen back into line!” remarked Ferré. “In this Vendée Globe, we all resemble different animals in the jungle. In our group, Jean (Le Cam) is like the elephant, possessing ancestral knowledge, so he knows how to avoid danger intuitively. We are the young, fiery lions, learning as we progress.”

Learning through experience…

The courageous Brit Pip Hare seems to excel in her environment, closing the gap on 15th-placed Romain Attanasio (FORTINET BEST WESTERN). She expressed, “It has been quite the intense night out here. I maintained a 35-knot average, with gusts up to 38-39 knots, and the sea conditions are 4-4.5 meters. I’m pleased that Medallia is performing well; it’s a significant learning curve for me, figuring out how to manage these boats in such conditions. You can’t practice here! I’m learning a lot about the foils and their usage, growing braver each time I’m out here, finding immense pleasure in it, and it’s all adding to my knowledge bank. Catching up to Romain again is truly exciting. It’s an all-consuming experience! The noise, the G-force, the intensity; your brain is continuously working. Planning anything requires major strategizing. It’s one of the most intense trials one can endure. And we are racing! It’s crazy. But I’m good!”

For competitors like Ruyant, who has been making swift progress alongside Richomme in 35-40 knot winds and huge seas, the conditions are indeed grueling. “Since last night, the conditions have been harsh. You need to stay on top of it. The leading pack has gained a bit of a lead. You can’t afford to lose the rhythm. When an opportunity arises, you must be ready to seize it.”

Moreover, tomorrow evening might present significant challenges: a high-pressure ridge could cut them off, allowing Charlie Dalin, and possibly Sébastien Simon, to extend their lead once more. To be continued…

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