Get Set… Greetings from Les Sables d’Olonne!

Vendée Globe 2024: Ready… Steady… Hello Les Sables d’Olonne!

by L’Occitane Sailing Team 19 Oct 05:04 PDT

L’Occitane Sailing Team at Vendée Globe 2024 © PKC Media / L’Occitane Sailing Team

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After several weeks of final preparations, which included relaunching the boat, technical trials, media and partner outings, and Clarisse’s training sessions, it’s now time to embark and depart from Lorient.

On Thursday, October 17, with a little over three weeks to the start, the IMOCA L’Occitane en Provence has arrived in Les Sables d’Olonne, where the Vendée Globe Village will open its doors this weekend.

Like an annual migration, Brittany’s autumn brings its parade of boats, each leaving the ports along the Atlantic coast to head together to Les Sables d’Olonne, the venue every four years for the biggest celebration of solo ocean racing. Although she participated in 2020 under very unique conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Clarisse Crémer is genuinely excited for this crucial part of her race preparation. While remaining composed and focused, her goal is clear: to conserve her energy and concentration for November 10.

Clarisse, how are you feeling with less than a month remaining before your second Vendée Globe?

I feel great! The last few weeks have been somewhat exhausting, as we had a lot to finish in a short time, but overall, it’s been quite positive. I managed to complete my final test sails at the beginning of the week and finalize my gear and supplies, aside from the fresh food and a few small details.

How do you plan to organize your three weeks in the Village?

In the end, there won’t be much left for me. It will primarily involve some additional weather preparation and reviewing all the little things I don’t want to overlook. The boat still needs some tuning. Thankfully, my team will be there to assist with the final technical preparations, and my sister-in-law Léna will help with logistics.

This will be your second Vendée Globe; how do you feel this time compared to the first?

I feel quite good, both physically and mentally! It’s certainly easier on the second go. I have more idea of what to expect and feel less anxious or worried. I also don’t feel the need to prove myself as I did with my first Vendée, which was quite unprecedented. This time, I even enjoy being at the start line more; it gives me a sense of victory and accomplishment to be among the 40, which alleviates some pressure.

It’s quite paradoxical, though, because I’m leaving with more calmness while also aware of the challenges ahead and the mountain I have to climb! I feel much more mentally prepared than last time. Physically, I am possibly a bit less robust than I was four years ago since I had a project that limited my physical preparation time. However, I made up for lost time over the past few months. Everything is going well, and I can’t wait for the start!

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