One Day as King | Center Console Life Magazine

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The Old Salt King of the Beach fishing tournament offers equal chances for amateurs and experts to win prizes

By Jim Alexander

A sudden surge erupts as the line zips off the reel at lightning speed. The reel howls in protest, the rod teeters on the edge of snapping, then—boom! A massive fish, one you’ve only fantasized about catching, has struck, breached the water, and is now soaring skyward. Welcome to king fishing.

King mackerel. Kingfish. Smoker kings. The Mysterious Pelagic. A species that’s partly predictable in migration and partly an enigmatic challenge. These creatures create some of the finest saltwater fishing experiences.

On both the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, kings migrate biannually. They travel south in the fall and north in the spring. The chance to engage with these clever fish presents itself from the Texas/Mexico border, around Florida’s tip, and along the entire eastern seaboard. These large migrations create excellent twice-a-year recreational fishing prospects on both coasts. Over time, various fishing tournaments have emerged alongside the migration patterns of king mackerel.

Both novice and professional fishermen have an equal chance to win at the King of the Beach Kingfish Tournament. This event guarantees a $60,000 payout for first place.

In their first attempt at the KING tournament, Michael Hirsh and Team Lured earned $750, with an entry fee of only $225.

Old Salt King of the Beach

Based in sunny Madeira Beach, Florida, the Old Salt Fishing Foundation organizes the two largest King Mackerel fishing tournaments in the U.S. Each event features 600 to 700 teams, all competing to be crowned the KING. The King of the Beach Kingfish Tournament (which includes spring and fall editions) is an ideal opportunity for not just experienced competitive teams but also for newcomers and single-engine entrants.

The King of the Beach guarantees a first-place payout of $60,000 for the heaviest king mackerel, as well as a chance for 62 other teams to share in a total tournament payout of $225,000.

Despite the competition’s substantial riches, it’s not solely about the money. The KING also provides 700 children and their families with a complimentary Kids Fishing Slam on the event’s second day, where kids fish and compete for prizes, all thanks to Old Salt, many dedicated volunteers, and generous sponsors. The KING is a vibrant three-day festival by the waterfront for anglers, children, families, and the entire local community, featuring live music, food, beverages, and vendors.

Captain Chad Knoerr and Team War Chant celebrate their significant win at the 2018 King of the Beach Kingfish Tournament.

The KING is a three-day waterfront celebration in Madeira, Florida, featuring live music, various events, and fishing-related activities. As part of the spring event, organizers host a complimentary Kids Fishing Slam.

That’s One Large Fishing Tournament

The notion of entering a fishing tournament that draws up to 700 teams from the southeastern United States and beyond might seem intimidating for newcomers and those fishing from single-engine boats.

For teams on smaller vessels (those with one engine), Old Salt has established guidelines that enable all competitors to participate. There are no shotgun starts (you leave the dock/ramp like responsible individuals), and a local fishing area that offers real opportunities both inshore, nearshore, and offshore. Couple these conditions with a low entry fee of $225 per team and the sizable payouts, there are few incentives not to join. If you can access the water, you can take part in the King of the Beach.

Michael Hirsh and Team Lured (consisting of Michael, his wife, and their two small children) from Gainesville, Florida, represent typical first-time, single-engine King participants.

During the 2019 Spring King, Hirsh admitted feeling anxious. That apprehension vanished at the captain’s meeting, where numerous returning competitors eagerly shared their experiences, ensuring the Hirsh family’s first KING was both safe and successful.

Michael and Team Lured secured third place in the Spanish Mackerel Division, earning a $750 payout. Quite impressive for their inaugural fishing tournament.

The Old Salt has established guidelines that ensure all competitors a fair chance of success.

Tips & Tricks for Winning The King

You’ve paid your entry fee, gotten yourself, your team, and your boat all the way to Madeira Beach, and perhaps enjoyed your first tropical cocktail. Now, how do you aim to walk the stage at the KING?

There exists a multitude of tips, strategies, and unique techniques as numerous as there are anglers. Going through them is beyond the scope of a magazine article. However, one key factor—location, location, location: Every angler knows “that spot” regardless of where they fish. You know, that location that consistently produces the fish you aim to catch.

Coming to fish the KING, even from just one nearby town, you may not be familiar with the spots in the waters near Madeira Beach and its surroundings. Don’t worry, Jon West, a seasoned Old Salt, compiled a list of not one but nine significant landmarks, hot spots based on conditions, and strategic locations that can boost your chances of finding a smoker kingfish even before your first bait hits the water.

In his 2006 article “9 Places to Catch a Smoker King,” West highlights various locations such as The Peaks, Egmont Channel, coastal hard bottoms, wrecks, artificial reefs, and more. Combine West’s insights with the power of Google, and you’ll possess all the local knowledge you require to identify productive waters.

Offer the right bait: Kings are aggressive feeders and will pursue various types of bait. However, as Dan Casey (the 2017 King of the Beach Winner) often states, Big Kings Like Big Baits. Indeed, smoker Kings can be caught using almost any bait size and an array of rigging methods, but presenting them larger blue runners, substantial Spanish mackerel, or big ribbonfish will enhance your chances of hooking a genuine smoker king.

Another tip from Dan is to bring a variety of baits on tournament day. You’re likely to encounter Kings actively feeding, so be prepared to utilize what’s currently on their menu when you reach their dining area.

Now that you’re equipped with local knowledge and a few crucial tips and tactics, your only task is to head out to the next King of the Beach Kingfish Tournament and prove your skill.

The Old Salt FISHING Foundation

The Old Salt Fishing Foundation, a 49-year-old non-profit fishing organization, is headquartered in Madeira Beach. The Foundation supports anglers through various youth and family programs, competitive fishing tournaments, and advocacy efforts. It operates with an entirely volunteer staff and board of directors. Old Salt has provided fishing, tournament, conservation, and educational programs to tens of thousands of anglers while donating over $1 million to worthy regional charities.

Contact Information

Old Salt Fishing Foundation
P.O. Box 8564
Madeira Beach, FL 33738
Tel: 727-216-6601

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